Hey all!!

I would like to welcome and thank you for joining us on this exciting journey that has really only just begun : )  Thank you for your unconditional support and helping to make these dreams of ours become a reality!

I truly believe that anything worth achieving takes dedication, discipline, hard work and perseverance. With that, I would like to introduce you to my 2013 IFPA Pro card journey, and what things are like on my end from a competition standpoint. I hope to be able to leave you with a small piece of desire or inspiration in your life.



How it felt to win the KC Classic… 

Everything that I had put into the last 15 months of training was coming to life in that moment; it was all quite surreal.  The passion, dedication and commitment that I had given to all of my workouts, each cardio session and every single meal was worth more than I could ever imagined when every goal I had set was being met.  It was the most joyous, rewarding and humbling experience to date.  I was overjoyed and most certainly very blessed to be able to share this time with so many loved ones; those who have provided me with outstanding support, encouragement and guidance throughout the entire process.


What I have you been up to since the dust has settled…

I have truly been enjoying the ride since winning my pro card.  Everyone has been so kind and welcoming; the support in this sport is certainly amazing!

I had taken a long enough hiatus from the stage from 2012-2013 to be able to grow and to do the work necessary to come into Kansas   City with a completely changed physique.  My goals for the next season are no different.  As soon as I left the stage my sights were set on making a move to the next level of competition.  I have committed myself to a solid reverse diet and have jumped full force back into power lifting territory, which is very comfortable for me.  My husband and I are each others biggest supporters and I have been enjoying watching his continued dedication, drive and improvements leading into his final trips to the stage this season.


What’s next on my competition schedule…

Since I was able to continue to improve on my strength throughout most of my competition prep, I am looking forward to lifting in more meets this winter and spring as power lifting is still me by nature.  I like being able to see the progress and changes in my physique that are being made.  I fully intend on making smart gains and keeping my sights on the stage to return in 2014, ready to make my mark in this sport I have much passion for.

Posted on March 6, 2014 in Uncategorized

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