
Proper Prenatal, Postnatal and Everyday Supplementation

A pregnant woman’s daily food intake should consistent of a wide variety of both macro and micronutrients which include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals to receive the proper amount of nutrients for both pregnancy health as well as for the developing fetus of the baby. A balanced nutritional intake is the best way to

Lifting: I love you, but I’m not “in love” with you…

This has to be the first time in my life that I’ve utilized the overused cliché phrase of “I love you but I’m not IN love with you”.  Scroll through my Facebook wall and it’s easy to see that there is a new love in my life.  I can now tell you that the tears of joy I’ve

Getting Back to Fit

Well here I am, fourteen weeks postpartum and I couldn’t remember how to even log-in to blog! I had great intentions of filling you all in on the delivery, recovery and rebuilding phases so much sooner, but sitting at the computer longer than deemed necessary just hasn’t happened. Not when there is a beautiful baby to hold

Staying Fit for 2: Strength Training updates

Some words of advice that I have found to have the most value throughout my pregnancy are, “Don’t be afraid to push yourself”. I have been quite fortunate to have little to complain about thus far in these 33 weeks. There have been the more minor things here and there that I feel are expected to some extent including:

Staying Fit for 2: Physical Changes

  Twenty-six weeks in, where has time gone already!? I have come to find pregnancy to be a pretty wonderful, life-changing experience in the making thus far.  I feel so very fortunate to be able to carry this little miracle inside of me and wouldn’t trade it for a thing.  As miraculous and joyous as

Staying Fit for 2: Nutrition

  Still today for many the word pregnancy equates “eating for two”. I like food, I have always enjoyed my food, so you bet “eating for two” sounds great…or does it? Realistically, one should really only plan to gain a few pounds during their first trimester. For many, your caloric intake should actually be about

Staying Fit for 2

As many of you already know, we are expecting our first child come July! Pregnant or not, I receive many questions from women, athletes, and mothers-to-be about the information that is readily available across the internet today.  I have been encouraged and inspired to start a blog about my journey through pregnancy and beyond specifically geared towards those

Hey all!!

I would like to welcome and thank you for joining us on this exciting journey that has really only just begun : )  Thank you for your unconditional support and helping to make these dreams of ours become a reality! I truly believe that anything worth achieving takes dedication, discipline, hard work and perseverance. With

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